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Combo Liquor / Wine Bottle Lock

Bottle Lock - Combination Lock Bottle StopperThis Bottle Lock is a great idea for those who are safety conscious with their drinks. Whether you are sick of people swigging your home bar when you are on holiday or the kids have been nabbing your vodka and topping it up with water, the Bottle Lock will help keep them secure!Have you ever been to your drinks cabinet only to find the bottle that contains your favourite tipple is empty? Well now you can stop this happening again with the Combination Bottle Lock. Like all of the greatest inventions, the Combination Bottle Lock is incredibly simple and possesses that elusive 'Why didn't I think of that?' factor! Featuring a simple to set (but practically impossible to crack) four number combination, the Combination Bottle Lock is a robust, beautifully engineered drinking gadget and is also an effective bottle stopper once the lock is set.The Bottle Lock will work equally well on a spirit or wine bottle. The Combination Bottle Lock is designed to fit various bottle sizes, expanding from 7⁄16'; (1.1cm) to 1'; (2.54cm). If you are looking for a unique gift or new bottle stopper, you can't go wrong with the Bottle Lock when you want to protect your plonk!
